LabVIEW Source Control Configuration

You now have a Perforce workspace with revision #0 of each file checked in. The convention from here on out, is to add files to the LabVIEW project file. Each time you do this, LabVIEW will automatically prompt you to add the file to Source Code Control. Before you can do this, however, you still need to configure LabVIEW's Source Control. In the LabVIEW "Tools" menu, select Source Control -> Configure Source Control.

Select "Perforce SCM" for the Source Control Provider Name. Click the "Change" button next to Source Control Project to configure the project. Navigate to the LabVIEW .lvproj project file that you wish to bind to.

*NOTE* - you will need to change this for each unique customer or project that you are binding to. Since you can have multiple workspaces and multiple projects, you must make sure this is configured properly for the Perforce workspace that you are bound to.